Mariah “corpsecream”
Preying Mantis Tattoo Instagram
We’re excited to have @artworkbykai at our Wadsworth location! With a versatile approach and a passion for creating unique tattoos, Kai is ready to bring your ideas to life. DM her to book!
@preyingmantistattoo @preyingmantiskipling
#coloradotattooartist #preyingmantistattoo #colorfultattoos #walkinswelcome
Please welcome @jonnytafoya77 back to the shop, it’s been a long time, but it’s good to have him back! Jonny specializes in really solid, bold, traditional tattoos. @preyingmantistattoo @preyingmantiskipling #coloradotattooartist #japanesetattoo #americantraditionaltattoo #boldwillhold #lakewoodcolorado
Tattoos by @oni_sanctuary @preyingmantistattoo @preyingmantiskipling #microrealism #blackandgreytattoo #smallportraittattoo #coloradotattooartist
Tattoo by @inkslingerandy @preyingmantistattoo @preyingmantiskipling #coloradotattooartist #lakewoodcolorado #blackandgreytattoo #walkinswelcome
Tattoo done by @daveallentattoos @preyingmantistattoo @preyingmantiskipling #dragontattoo #blackandgreytattoo #japanesetattoo #coloradotattooartist #lakewoodcolorado
“I’m only laughing on the outside / My smile is just skin deep / If you could see inside I’m really crying / You might join me for a weep” #jokertattoo #jacknicholson #batman #blackandgreytattoo #portraittattoo #coloradotattooartist @preyingmantistattoo @preyingmantiskipling @galenseewaldart
Gage @gagethegoblintattoo will be doing a guest spot with us starting this Thursday. I’ll be here for three days. Please give him a welcome. Either call the shop 303-232-0945 or just give him a direct message if you’re interested in getting worked by him. Thank you.🙏
Preying Mantis Tattoo Wadsworth is seeking out a qualified Tattoo Artist. Please dm for further information, please at least 3 years experience. Located just a few blocks from the Belmar in Lakewood Colorado. Thank you and hope to hear from you 🙏
Local clients may find it easier to make arrangements in person at our shop. For consultations, please feel free to come in between 1pm-9pm.
As always, it is best to call us beforehand to ensure that your artist is working as scheduled.